Monday, January 28, 2008

typical monday

Every Monday, between 3:45 and 4:20, you can find me at the Starbucks on Mason and Clayton. Why? Because I have guitar lessons on Monday...and Aaron Krause lives like 2 seconds from this Starbucks. You might think "wow, you're still taking guitar lessons???" UM YEAH. Because you have no idea how much I learn at them. I love them. And Aaron is a really good teacher.

Lately, we've been going through my songs for the EP and he gives me suggestions on what to fix to make them better, then I go home and fix it, and then I come back the next week and we tweak it even more. Today, I was trying to come up with some ways to make a certain chord progression in one song sound more interesting.

Lesson learned: G#m is really difficult to make up in a non-bar-chord formation. But I'm going to try to find it before next Monday.

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