Thursday, February 14, 2008

i miss my guitar :(

Long story greatly condensed for the purpose of not releasing information I've been told not to release...

Yesterday, my mom and I got into a minor car accident. We were on our way to my guitar lesson (rescheduled due to a conflict on the usual Monday), when a car hit us and caused us to hit the car in front of us. Our trunk received most of the damage, and we couldn't get it open to get my guitar out. So we dropped off the car at the car repair place, but they didn't have anyone currently working who was "authorized" to break into the trunk. They said come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow was today, and we went back, and they hadn't even looked at our car yet.

Um, I cannot go 2 days without my guitar. I miss it. Just pray they get the trunk open soon and my guitar isn't damaged. I can't really afford that right now. Economically or figuratively...

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