Monday, March 10, 2008


For all you lovers of "Rise":

I give in. It's going on the album. So now the *probably final* list is:

In the Light
The Only Way

Mirrors, Fading, and Rise all have different voicings (so they sound different), but they're all in the same key. So I have this pretty rockin transition thing going on where there isn't a definite end to each song...know what I'm saying? Like they all flow together and in my mind (and in my room while i'm playing by myself) it sounds really really good. I hope it sounds as good in the studio.


Unknown said...

I'm excited. Although I haven't heard any of them *cough cough* send them to me/call me and play them over the phone *cough cough* I'm sure they're all jolly grand.


José Gamarra said...

oooo sounds like someone's gonna pull sumthin cool
get excited world, here comes twinkles
(someone beat me to a comment! *gasp*)

Anonymous said...

yes! I loved Rise when you sent it to me. So good. it needed to be on there.