Sunday, March 23, 2008

guitar strings

A little story you might enjoy...or at least I did...

9:30 pm on Saturday, I realized wow, I'm recording in 2 days and I haven't gotten new guitar strings since like December. This could be a problem. So of course I called Logan because of all the people I know, he's the most likely to be able to help me in this situation. He said he'd look for strings at church the next morning and change them for me. I know it's lame that I don't know how to change them. Get over it. haha.

So, this morning, I went to church and looked around trying to find him. I heard he was in Eric's office, so that's where I went. And there are Logan and...Adam, actually...digging through a box of guitar strings trying to make a whole set. Apparently it wasn't working, because they only had 4 of them. If you don't know them, let me give you some background information. Logan usually knows what he's doing...Adam acts like he knows what he's doing and is very convincing. So I thought between the two of them, this should work out pretty well.

After they had been looking in that box for like 10+ minutes, Adam decided to take that moment to announce that he had an entire set in his guitar case. Thanks man. He got them out and Logan started to take the old ones off and put the new ones on. He got all the way through it to the high E, and then realized that he had to run...literally...because he was working in kids ministry and the service was going to start in about 10 minutes. So he left it to me and Adam to put on the last string.

Bad call.

I guess we got it on. Sort of. But it's backwards. Like in order to tune it, you have to turn it the opposite way as before. Not to mention it just doesn't look right if you look closely at the top. But hey, I got new strings. That's all that matters...I hope...but thanks to Logan and Adam for helping me! Couldn't have done it without them.

Also...according to Adam (who, if you remember, acts like he knows what he's doing and is very convincing), you can't cut the excess string for 2 days. So my guitar looks pretty rockin right now. Pretttttty excited to show up at the studio like this. hahaha.


Anonymous said...

ya that would be backwards. Just remind Adam that it's supposed to go on the INSIDE not towards the outside.

Unknown said...

Catherine I feel so cool and "guitar-y" (yes, that is a word) because I understand your pain, since I always seem to put at least one string on backward. I seriously could not stop laughing while reading this.
And it does look amazing, btw, I think you should never cut them lol