Monday, February 18, 2008


Ever think about how many meanings the word "chorus" can convey? The part of the song that is repeated 3+ times...a choir...a ridculous-sounding effect for the guitar that only someone like Aaron Krause could actually pull off...people in a play who act sort of like a group of narrators...

Anyway, the one I'm talking about right now is the choir. I'm thinking about putting "The Only Way" as the closing track for the album. In the bridge and last few choruses (this time, the repeating part of the song) (...chori???), I have an idea in mind that involves layering different vocal parts. At first I thought I'd just have one person record the vocals for one other part. Then I changed my mind and decided to have like 4 people singing different parts, with one doubling me on the melody. The vision grew again this weekend and I'm now thinking of having 10+ people sing the background parts as a chorus, with a few people singing each part. It sounds amazing in my mind, so hopefully it will sound that good in real life.

I realized that I needed to teach the song to the people I've chosen to be in this chorus. So today at Aaron's, we started making a demo of the song. It sounds pretty good so far. He added some cool synth effects that I didn't even know existed in Garage Band.

When it's done, I'll try to figure out a way to post it on here.

Meanwhile, Logan Miller has recorded a cover of Tom Petty's "Free Falling," and it's pretty rockin...go to to hear it.


José Gamarra said...

i like choir...
choir kids are the best
randomly singing in front of people,
breaking into songs on buses,
saying sentences in song form,
you totally know what i'm talking about
choir really should pie

Anonymous said...

except i'm not in choir...but i get to be a poser choir kid on the choir tour! yay! haha

José Gamarra said...

well, you might as well be a choir kid
you're trying out and all
"how was guitar?"